I love doing cakesmashes – they are always wonderfully unpredictable … you never know whether the baby will embrace the messiness or not! We usually need to encourage them a little to explore the cake and all its stickiness – and then utilize the parents and ask them to fake it a little by putting some icing / sprinkles / cake on the baby’s face! Elder sisters are also very willing to help out …
He was more excited by the balloons than the cake – so it took a bit of coaxing and scattering of sprinkles … Which I think startled him a little bit! But after a cuddle with his mummy and a go on his dummy, he was good to go!
This little guy looked sooo cute in his outfit – I just love the dickey bow, pants and hat combo. Thank you for the cutest cakesmash, Baby T. Have a wonderful first birthday ♡